3 Advantages Of Virtual Reality For Companies

There’s a number of reasons why virtual reality (VR) has become a trend for innovative companies in the last few years, because it’s an effective tool with applications for medicine, technology and many other fields, it can be used in military training programmes, to make prototypes for new vehicles, create VR models for architecture or develop video games. It has virtually millions of applications!

Its versatility is the main reason why big companies such as Samsung, HTC and Google are investing in this technology to offer groundbreaking products. Furthermore, virtual reality for companies offers surprising perks in the sector, by making the development of many of the main activities of any business easier, such as:


Some human resources departments are finding benefits in VR, interviewing their candidates “face to face” through a virtual room. The interviewer can see the reactions and body language of the candidates, in the same way you can see it in an actual face-to-face meeting.

3 ventajas de la Realidad Virtual para empresas


In some sectors, virtual reality is being used to train employees, specially those who work in dangerous environments. For instance, pilots use simulators in case they make a costly mistake, and MD students are also being trained with virtual reality test to determine if they are fit to operate and become part of the medical team.

In summary, virtual reality for enterprise is very useful in the formation of employees, and the training sessions can be recorded easily. On the other hand RV technology allows students to interact with objects and feel they actually are in that virtual space, and carry out their work activities.


Virtual reality for companies has the potential to gather employees from different locations in digital meetings, and instead of simple seeing each other in a screen, the employees can feel they are in the same room even if they are miles away from each other.

3 ventajas de la Realidad Virtual para empresas

Through a virtual meeting, companies can even reduce costs and time, because their employees won’t need to be physically present to be involved in the meetings and decision making. Thanks to this technology a manager can get in a “face to face” meeting without ever leaving his office.

These are just a few examples of how virtual reality can be useful to a company, but surely there are many more. Can you think of another application? Leave your ideas in the comments section 😉